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SOUL 144

Union and Resurrection

08 March 2025

I saw all male clients this week which is unusual 

Walking on Thursday I also felt the home coming of the masculine presence, I say home coming as it had that feel, of a reunion

I stood and smiled up at rhe sun and later on several friends received the same energy of reunion of coming home and of feeling the love of the divine masculine walking with them 

The client sessions were amazing also 

They had the most profound shift in awareness and embodiment of their golden soul selves

We'd previously worked on releasing the Energetics around not being valued, having to put others first, responsibility for others over self, feeling disconnected from source / mother - much more that I do not always remember nor feel is ok to share on here

The Soul Embodiment sessions are a deep restoration and retrieval of fragemented energy, for many lifetimes, healed and seen back in

Rebirthed as it were ..... made whole and restored back to original Golden light ⭐️

Its honouring of the masculine presence, a resurrection of the divine in human form

Truly beautiful to experience 




#divinemasculine #healing #souljourney #multidimensional #quantumhealing #ancestralhealing #reiki