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SOUL 144

De Mystifying the unseen realms of our existence

16 December 2024

Sharing with permission

Its not often I share the inner workings of a clients session.  However sometimes these sharings can shine a light for us or create a resonance that enables our own healing

A lady came to me a year or so ago, for what I thought was a simple session of massage.   I had gifted a voucher for a local charity and she had won this session.

As we began our pre session chat, it became apparant that there was something ancestral or past life affecting this ladies energy and creating physical pain in her right arm and shoulder.  As she began talking about it, I had the feeling of being in several timelines at once.  She said every time she went into meditation she was having images and a sensation in her arm also. 

As i began to work on her body and she slipped into a gentle relaxation, her arm began to rise and twist up around her head,  this can often happen as fascia unwinds, the body taking the opportunity of unravelling and expressing what it has repressed.  The body never ceases to amaze me.

We began talking and her voice changed, became deeper, speaking of a contract made, an experience of "having arm twisted behind back in a foreceful and bullying way". 

Using a combination of regression, release and psychic healing, the energy of this experince disapated.  We could clearly feel and see the same thing during this session, maybe ancestral or past life, unravelled and healed.  

Her arm lowered, she rested while I worked on her energetics and alignment. 

The pain was no more, her arm and shoudler completely free of the experience.  There was no more interference in her thoughts, she was clear and felt back to herself.

I checked in with her in the coming days and weeks and recently to.......she is still pain free.

Was it a past life?  Was it Fascia memory ? Genetic Imprinting ? We are so mulit facted, maybe it was all these and more 

Fascinating bodies, fascinating beings we are 

#pastlfe #fascia #fasciarelease #hypnosis #painfree #musclememory #ancestralhealing #reiki #psychichealing